If your employment situation has progressed to the point where you are wondering if you need an employment attorney, there is a good chance that you do need one. The earlier in the process that you can obtain legal representation, even in an advisory role, the better. It is best not to wait until it becomes a critical crisis as by that point the number of good options may be limited or have passed and you may be looking at choosing the best of some bad options. To quote the Colonial proverbs, “A stitch in time saves nine” and “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. In hindsight, I personally wish I had hired Frank Steiner earlier in the process. His help was essential in avoiding a catastrophic outcome. He also has a wealth of employment advice. Hiring Frank Steiner provided legal representation at a critical interview. If an attorney had not been there for that meeting I firmly believe the length and nature of the meeting would have radically changed for the worse. Investing in legal representation, to protect your job, career, salary, pension, future, etc. is a very sound investment and Frank Steiner is the man to hire.